Monday 6 February 2012

The cost of driving

It was inevitable that I would be able to squeeze a moan about the cost of driving. I'm pretty sure as well that my viewing audience will agree with me that to own a car, you need to have a pretty well paid job. Which aren't too common nowadays. The price for insurance is astronomical, and additionally the price of petrol is not all too friendly on my bank account.

First off, insurance is all wrong and they are finally starting to eradicate it. Just because I was born with a Y chromosome, It is somehow justified to charge me nearly a £1,000 more to insure my car. I'm stereotyped into the typical boy racer. I assure you, it's impossible to be a boy racer in the car that I drive. Yet I am still penalized by insurance companies.

One laughable quote that I received while looking for insurance was from ASDA car insurance. They wanted to charge me £80,000. However, by quickly changing my gender to female, the same insurance company quoted me just under £5,000. Thus meaning, that it worked out costing less to get a flight to Thailand, having a sex change operation, and then pay £5,000 compared to £80,000. Trust me, i've done the math.

Luckily for me, i've started working up my no claims discount, and that will make my insurance drop in the upcoming years. Yet, the system is completely wrong. Don't punish us 18 year olds just because of our age. Give us all relatively low prices on insurance, and then if we do have an accident or get caught speeding, then bump the price up. It's no wonder that so many people drive with insurance when the cheapest quote that some can get is close to £2,000.

The price of petrol is also a tad expensive. Due to only having a 1.1 litre engine, I can get back up to a full tank on about £45 to £50. Yet, when I'm traveling to university four times a week, factored in with traveling to work as well as the numerous activities that I do during the week. I soon find myself back at the petrol station taking another £50 out of my monthly wage. It all adds up.

Ultimately, just take into consideration once you've passed your driving test. Is it paramount that you get a car? I needed my car to get to university but if you don't need a car then don't waste your money on getting one. Getting it insured, taxed and then putting weekly amounts of petrol in it, is a costly job. Save your money and use public transport, despite my hate for that as well. You can never win with me.

My next moan: The British weather

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