Monday 16 April 2012

The Gym

For those of you who know me in real life, i'll not strike you as the sort of person who goes to the gym. I'm very weedy and lanky, and always have been, but after been sick of my brittle frame for so many years, I decided to sign up to the gym and try to do something about it. Being this thin does have it's advantages, for example I've always been good at long distance running and other athletic sports such as the high jump. At my gangly six foot one frame, and weighing just under 10 stone, super models should be jealous of my figure.

Anyway, the gym is a weird place. I know that to get a more toned figure, I would have to push myself, and with hardly any muscle to work with, I enlisted in the help of protein shakes. They are a little help to weight and muscle gain, and the effects are starting to take their effect, although it's still a long journey ahead.

You'll get people in every gym that annoy you. For example, the one person in the gym who barely pushes themselves, and sits for about an hour on the bike going no faster than a breeze would. I know that the gym is designed to go at your own pace, but there's no point spending money on a membership for you not to push yourself.

Additionally, those who take the gym a little bit too seriously. Those who are always there when you go. That have bulging biceps and feel that they need to show them off with the skimpiest of vests. There's no need. 

Occasionally I like to go for a swim when I go to the gym. Swimming is a brilliant way to exercise, yet the pool at my local DW gym, is incredibly small and futile. Thus meaning, you have to fight people for a straight line to swim at. Otherwise, you spend half your time exercising and the other half worried hitting an old woman in the face as you do your breaststroke. 

Finally, the old people at the gym. I imagine that when I enter retirement, that i'll be spending time with the Grandkids, being full of incredible wisdom and spending half my day in the Bingo Hall. Retirement is brilliant, and I don't see why there are so many old people in the gym. I'm talking 80 year old women, who have more muscle than me. It's ridiculous.

For those who have never been in the environment of a gym, I encourage you to sign up. You feel a lot better about yourself and you meet such wonderful characters from the buff nuts to the buff nannans.

My next moan: People moaning

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