Monday 23 April 2012

People moaning

I run an entire blog around moaning. This kind of worries me, as I know that eventually I am going to run out of things to moan about, despite having a whole load of moans readily queued up ready to be pushed into the public domain. I enjoy getting these things on my chest, but it doesn't half annoy me when other people just don't shut up moaning. 

I vent my feelings of hatred towards mankind in this blog. I'm sure you would have gathered by now that a lot of things wind me up the wrong way, and you'll learn of a lot more things that get on my wick. However, people who just moan constantly need to set up a blog like me.

For instance, last weeks John Smith's Grand National, a nice event for the weekend. Flutter a little bit of cash, and hopefully be in sheer jubilation if the horse crosses the finishing line first. This year, I failed to back the winner, but had 3rd and 4th each way, so not my worst weekend of betting. 

Yet, people moan about the two horses that had to be put down. Yes, it's an awful site. Nobody wants to see it, but your moaning doesn't make a damn site bit of difference. It's a great tradition and just because two horses died doesn't mean that the whole race is going to stop. The race itself generates a vast amount of income, as well as pitting the best horse breeders, horses and jockeys against each other in this monumental race. It's the most humane thing to do to put the horse down, and end there suffering so get off your high horse (ha, pun) and stop acting like you are better than everyone else because you think it's despicable that horses are put through are race.

As said before, nobody watches the race with a betting slip in their hand with scribbled writing saying '4 horses to die, 7/2 E/W'. No, you bet on the winner. Nobody wants the horses to die, it's just one of them unfortunate occurrences.

Facebook is a prime example of where people moan, and i'm sure in the next couple of weeks i'll dedicate a moan around the whole social networking phenomenon. Posting a status about something isn't going to make you a world leader condemning a particular cause, at most you're going to get your 'likes' into double figures if it's spelled correctly and worded coherently.

So, what should you take from this blog post? Well, just about everything annoys me and only I am allowed to moan. Yes, I think that sums it up brilliantly.

My next moan: FIFA

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