Monday 14 May 2012

Taxi drivers

In the midst of procrastination, working and finishing university, I somehow forgot about my blog. Surprisingly enough, I managed to keep my blog ticking over while exams were on, doing anything humanly possible opposed to revising, only then to have a complete mind blank when exams were over and spend my entire time surfing the internet without so much of a though towards moaning. Weird, I know. Anyway, we'll put it down to the fact that I was slightly ill, slightly side tracked and slightly annoyed by the new blogger layout which is a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Also, my posts are scheduled at 7pm every Monday, so that's why you got a lovely blank post. When I first started this blog, I was about 8 posts in front, but with exams taking their toll, and lack of sleep, I found myself writing my blog posts half an hour before they were being published. Enthralling, I know.

Anyway, now that apologies are out of the way, onto what you're all here for. To hear the delight of my amateur ramblings that will hopefully will put a wry smile on your face as I question everything in society that rubs me up the wrong way.

From the blog title, you'll see that I get annoyed with taxi drivers. They're not the worst people in the world, and they are quite tolerable when vacating the slot of a normal pedestrian. However, put them in a car and put them in charge of picking people up and dropping them off at their destination, so they suddenly evolve into this race of people that think they own the road and can do anything that they please.

I've now been driving for a year, and it's taxi drivers that are the worst drivers on the road. No, I'm not going to conform to the cliche that one gender is particularly better at driving than the other gender. Taxi drivers are very good drivers, they just think that the road is only for them and don't care about any other driver. 

They'll cut into you in traffic, not use their indicators (which is an unbelievable pet hate of mine), and then drive at their fastest possible to get to where they are going. There is no need, you will not to get to your destination any faster by doing any of these things, so just drive like a normal motorist. If anything you're just running the risk of having your license revoked, so calm down.

My next moan: Sun, sex and suspicious parents

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