Monday 2 April 2012

Smokin' Hot

This title may be a little misleading, so I'll point out straight away that I'm moaning about smoking. This should hopefully be a well balanced argument, but it's something that I feel very strongly about. I've had elder relatives who have now sadly passed, who used to smoke but in the last 10 or so years of their lives, successfully gave up smoking. I believe that if my Granddad didn't smoke for a lot of his life, then I may have had the chance to meet him. Sadly, he died before I was born. He's the one person who I would have loved to have meet, and I'm apparently so much like him, and I partly blame his passing on the nicotine that clogged up his insides.

It's of no surprise that i've fallen out with friends who have started smoking. It's a disgusting little habit, and I don't see why anybody would want to do it. If people do smoke, then it's their decision, and I'm not going to spurn a friendship because they smoke, it just infuriates me how some can look past the obvious frailties that it can cause. There's a startling statistic doing the rounds of the internet that every cigarette smoked, takes 7 minutes off your life. If that's not enough to shock you into not smoking, then I don't know what it is. Those chain smokers will be chalking some years off their already short life.

As said before, it doesn't bother me when people smoke. At the end of the day, it's your life to live. Similarly, I don't mind the social smokers, those who only have a smoke after having a drink, as long as you don't become addicted then I don't see no harm in it.

With the recent price hikes, twitter and Facebook were filled with smokes complaining how it's not going to cost them more than £5 for a pack of cigarettes. Here's an idea, why not try and quit and save yourself so much money. There's so many things in life that I would prefer to spend my money on.

My next moan: Hangovers are the devils work

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